Dorothy Allinger Trust

The Dorothy Allinger scholarship trust is designated to provide financial assistance for students accepted to the following universities:

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Dorothy Allinger

My desire is to provide financial support for students who otherwise could not attend UNM or WVU.

—Dorothy Allinger


Dorothy Allinger was not necessarily wealthy, but she did want to leave her legacy in the form of college scholarship. The trust has limited funding available so apply soon.


1. You must have a high school grade point average of 3.5 or above.

2. Financial need must be demonstrated.

3. You must not be on a current athletic scholarship.


If awarded this scholarship, Students must maintain a college gpa of 3.0 or higher and submit all documentation as requested by trustees.

West Virginia University Scholarship Recipients Announced

The Trustees are pleased to announce the recipients of the West Virginia University scholarships. Congratulations to our recipients and best wishes to you in your higher education journey.

  • Kamryn Bable
  • Payne Blankenship
  • Elliana Bohan
  • Mackenzie Gould
  • Malloch Henderson
  • Kayden McVey
  • Sierra Rogers

© DAllinger 2024